Goodies in flash!

by - 21:30

US Vogue, Harper's Bazaar , Samsung Galaxy S2(THANK YOU DEAR PARENTS!), H&M polishes, H&M gloves, Bershka scarf,  Harrods classic pencilcase, Orsay clutch

I've always wanted to do a goodies post. And as I haven't posted an outfit in a quite a long time (I usually wear the new stuff on the blog), I've decided to snap some pictures and show it to you, because I feel like Santa came already!

The thing is that my lovely &incredible aunt has been on a bussiness trip in London and she brought me most of the stuff, so cute and perfect for winter! Also, I've done some shopping myself as it's incredibly cold here and I've been sick for 8 weeks already! Other things I got:

 Zara knitted jumper- the most comfy in the world, also perfect for school!

Um, yes, not so fashionable but have you ever tried on anything like this? I have happily joined the cult haha.

Bershka oversizzed cardigan. Oh my, super comfy, but they don't call it oversizzed for nothing! This one is an S and I loose myself in it, not to mention it weights at least 2 pounds. Still, a perfect match for my uniform!

Any winter shopping yet, dear readers?

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10 comentarii

  1. Hello! :D Sa le porti sanatoasa!
    Nici mie nu mi se par aratoase Ugg-urile, dar am probat unele si m-au convins pentru iarna asta. Tu de unde le-ai luat si cat ai dat pe ele? Daca nu-i cu suparare :D

    O seara placuta!

  2. you are so sweet. love the mix...reminds me of london... kisses

  3. Aaah the zara knitted jumper is amazing! *__*

  4. I love London.

    PS: last chance to participate in my giveaway

  5. Love the white knitted jumper! Absolutely gorgeous!

  6. Nail polish AND awesome fashion magazines? I love it.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  7. love the white jumper! so cute. xx

  8. I really enjoy both of your new sweaters! I'd love to have some like that for the winter. Looks like you got a lot of great goodies!


Hey there! If you read/saw the whole post and you would have something to say don't hesitate! Thank you very much for passing by, it means the world to me!

Have a nice day! ♥♥♥